Here’s a Q&A with the most common asked questions.
Do they stay on in mud?
Emphatically yes! We have kept GluShu shoes on horses that have been kept out for the whole winter… in very deep mud.
How well do they wear?
We use a robust aluminium shoe that is both light and has excellent wear characteristics. A Glushu will last at least 6 weeks the same as an aluminum nail on shoe.
Even after loosing the rubber layer, the Glushu will perfectly stay on the hoof until the aluminum shoe is worn out.
Are they difficult to take off?
One of the great features of GluShu is that it stays where you left it … on the foot and is easily removed with normal farrier tools! For more info about the removal of a Glushu check our instruction video.
Does the glue damage the feet?
Shufit Glue is a hoof filler and will not damage the hoof. This has been one of the most amazing features of using GluShu…the feet are not only protected by the GluShu but after even only a few shoeings the feet in many cases have improved significantly.
Shubond glue is 95% as strong as a hoofwall. In the unlikely event of an accident the glue will break or come off. Not the hoofwall. However be careful with weak hoofwalls anyway.
Is it messy?
The simple answer to this is “it can be”! But as the glue can be filed off the cuff even the most messy of applications after a few strokes with the rasp can transform a “messy job” to a very acceptable appearance.
Always work well organized, make sure there is a waste bin around to keep your workspace clean and organized.
Are Glushu reusable?
Glushu can only be used once as the removal process involves cutting away the cuff.
How do I measure the size I need?
Check our size chart and instruction video.
When do I use Shusil?
In case you need cushioning and protection of the sole or frog.
Shusil help to reduce stress in the toe in cases of laminitis.
Shusil scan also be used for cases with low heels or just to give light shock absorption to the hoof. Shusil distribute the pressure over the sole which also reduces the stress on the heels. Note that Shusil can not be used in case of WLD since extra pressure on the sole might create more damage to the WLD hoofwall.
Does Shusil stick?
No, you always need shupads to keep the Shusil in place.
How hard is Shusil? Shore a 10 is the soft one and shore 30 the hardest. Eventhough the differences between A10-A20-A30 are just minimal, they do make a difference to the horse’s performance.
Is Shusil toxic? No, our silicones are acid free and non toxic. They are even very suitable for wound treatment and set at about body temperature.
How long is the setting time? At room temperature about 3 minutes (depending on the humidity in the air). Setting time can be shortened by heating the glue to about body temperature. Especially in severe winter circomstances this can be a great help. Glue-U offer special heating devices to heat the cartridges in a proper way.
Do I need a special caulking gun?
Not necessarily, as all Glue-U products also Shusil 250cc cartridges fit in a regular silicone caulking gun. A special gun is only needed for alternative packagings like the 210cc.
When do I use shufix?
If you want to repair a crack very fast. If you want to create hoof extensions.
How long does it take to cure?
About 1 minute at room temperature.
Do I need a special caulking gun?
Not necessarily, as all Glue-U products also Shufix 250cc cartridges fit in a regular silicone caulking gun. A special gun is only needed for alternative packagings like the 210cc.
Why the big green mixingtip?
Glue-U guarantees proper mixing only with the green mixingtip.
Can I nail through shufix – fast set?
No, because of the type of material it is not possible to nail through shufix – fast set.
Can I glue a shoe with shufix crack repair?
Yes you can, but Shufit – glue on shoe is a better product for gluing a shoe.
When do I use Shubond?
In every situation where glueing any kind of horseshoe or glue-on shoe is needed or when you plan to do a hoof- or crack repair.
What shoe can I glue?
Almost all aluminum, steel, urethane and many plastic shoes.
Do I need special tools / trimming?
No, you trim the hoof like you always do, but when rasping only use the course side of the hoofrasp to create better adhesion of the glue.
What is the max temperature while curing?
About 75℃/167℉ for thick layers of material.
Can I reduce the temperature to the hoofwall?
Yes, by first applying a thin layer and after setting of the thin layer applying the next layer. The thin layer will protect the hoof for the higher temperature of the thicker layer.
How long does it take to cure?
At room temperature about 3½ minutes. Setting time can be shortened by heating the glue to about body temperature. Especially in severe winter circumstances this can be a great help. Glue-U offer special heating devices to heat the cartridges in a proper way.
Do I need chemicals?
No, don’t use any chemicals. if there is any doubt about the cleanness of the hoof use isopropanol or aceton free break cleaner.
How can I prepare the hoof for gluing a shoe?
The hoof must be dry and all dirt must be taken out. Cut away all loose parts, then brush the hoof with a steelbrush. Only use the course side of the hoofrasp when rasping.
What more can Shubond do?
Repair cracks and nail holes. Build up some extra hoofwall. Protect a local part of the hoofwall from damaging.
Can I put a nail through the glue?
Yes it is possible to nail through the glue, even after a few weeks. However we always advice to nail within 1 hour after the application of the glue.
Can I only use Pre Fix when applying Glushu?
No, Pre Fix is a 2 component superglue which can be used for many purposes. The temporary glueing of a Glushu is the main purpose for Glue-U products, but also other glue-on shoes can be pre glued with Pre Fix. Also Carbon clips can be glued with Pre Fix.
Note that a Pre Fix application for glue-on shoes is only a temporary glueing in order to let the horse stand on 4 legs again in seconds after applying the glue-on shoe. Once the hoof is back on the ground, the actual glue should be applied.
What is the setting time of Pre Fix?
15 seconds after the 2 components are in contact.
Can I use only the glue component?
Pre Fix adhesive should always be used in combination with the activator.
Are Shupads reusable?
Shupads are produced from rigid urethane material. Reusing them might be possible depending on the wearing of the pads during the shoeing period. However professional advice to horse owners should be to not reuse old pads since there will be wearing marks which might affect the health of the hoof.
Can I adjust the frog length for Shupads with frog support?
Yes. There are small bars integrated in the frog support. Cutting right after these bars shortens the frog and therefor also the pad size.
Are Shupads easy to cut?
Yes they are. Obviously professional scissors or band saws make the job easier compared to cutting with normal scissors.
Do they stay on in mud?
Emphatically yes! We have kept GluShu shoes on horses that have been kept out for the whole winter… in very deep mud.
How well do they wear?
We use a robust aluminium shoe that is both light and has excellent wear characteristics. A Glushu will last at least 6 weeks the same as an aluminum nail on shoe.
Even after loosing the rubber layer, the Glushu will perfectly stay on the hoof until the aluminum shoe is worn out.
Are they difficult to take off?
One of the great features of GluShu is that it stays where you left it … on the foot and is easily removed with normal farrier tools! For more info about the removal of a Glushu check our instruction video.
Does the glue damage the feet?
Shubond glue is a hoof filler and will not damage the hoof. This has been one of the most amazing features of using GluShu…the feet are not only protected by the GluShu but after even only a few shoeings the feet in many cases have improved significantly.
Shubond glue is 95% as strong as a hoofwall. In the unlikely event of an accident the glue will break or come off. Not the hoofwall. However be careful with weak hoofwalls anyway.
Is it messy?
The simple answer to this is “it can be”! But as the glue can be filed off the cuff even the most messy of applications after a few strokes with the rasp can transform a “messy job” to a very acceptable appearance.
Always work well organized, make sure there is a waste bin around to keep your workspace clean and organized.
Are Glushu reusable?
Glushu can only be used once as the removal process involves cutting away the cuff.
How do I measure the size I need?
Check our size chart and instruction video.
When do I use Shusil?
In case you need cushioning and protection of the sole or frog.
Shusil help to reduce stress in the toe in cases of laminitis.
Shusil scan also be used for cases with low heels or just to give light shock absorption to the hoof. Shusil distribute the pressure over the sole which also reduces the stress on the heels. Note that Shusil can not be used in case of WLD since extra pressure on the sole might create more damage to the WLD hoofwall.
Does Shusil stick?
No, you always need shupads to keep the Shusil in place.
How hard is Shusil? Shore a 10 is the soft one and shore 30 the hardest. Eventhough the differences between A10-A20-A30 are just minimal, they do make a difference to the horse’s performance.
Is Shusil toxic? No, our silicones are acid free and non toxic. They are even very suitable for wound treatment and set at about body temperature.
How long is the setting time? At room temperature about 3 minutes (depending on the humidity in the air). Setting time can be shortened by heating the glue to about body temperature. Especially in severe winter circumstances this can be a great help. Glue-U offer special heating devices to heat the cartridges in a proper way.
Do I need a special caulking gun?
Not necessarily, as all Glue-U products also Shusil 250cc cartridges fit in a regular silicone caulking gun. A special gun is only needed for alternative packagings like the 210cc.
When do I use shufix?
If you want to repair a crack very fast. If you want to create hoof extensions.
How long does it take to cure?
About 1 minute at room temperature.
Do I need a special caulking gun?
Not necessarily, as all Glue-U products also Shufix 250cc cartridges fit in a regular silicone caulking gun. A special gun is only needed for alternative packagings like the 210cc.
Why the big green mixingtip?
Glue-U guarantees proper mixing only with the green mixingtip.
Can I nail through shufix – fast set?
No, because of the type of material it is not possible to nail through shufix – fast set.
Can I glue a shoe with shufix crack repair?
Yes you can, but Shubond – glue on shoe is a better product for gluing a shoe.
Can I only use Pre Fix when applying Glushu?
No, Pre Fix is a 2 component superglue which can be used for many purposes. The temporary glueing of a Glushu is the main purpose for Glue-U products, but also other glue-on shoes can be pre glued with Pre Fix. Also Carbon clips can be glued with Pre Fix.
Note that a Pre Fix application for glue-on shoes is only a temporary glueing in order to let the horse stand on 4 legs again in seconds after applying the glue-on shoe. Once the hoof is back on the ground, the actual glue should be applied.
What is the setting time of Pre Fix?
15 seconds after the 2 components are in contact.
Can I use only the glue component?
Pre Fix adhesive should always be used in combination with the activator.
Are Shupads reusable?
Shupads are produced from rigid urethane material. Reusing them might be possible depending on the wearing of the pads during the shoeing period. However professional advice to horse owners should be to not reuse old pads since there will be wearing marks which might affect the health of the hoof.
Can I adjust the frog length for Shupads with frog support?
Yes. There are small bars integrated in the frog support. Cutting right after these bars shortens the frog and therefor also the pad size.
Are Shupads easy to cut?
Yes they are. Obviously professional scissors or band saws make the job easier compared to cutting with normal scissors.